Early Intervention, Public and Private Schools

Early Intervention Services

Early Intervention Section
Department of Health
1010 Richards Street, Room 811
Honolulu, HI 96813
Phone: (808) 594-0000
Fax: (808) 586-0015
Early Intervention referral line:
Phone: (808) 594-0066
Fax: (808) 586-0016
Neighbor Islands: 1-800-235-5477
Website: https://health.hawaii.gov/eis/

Provides assessment, planning and implementation of services statewide to support the development of infant and toddlers with special needs from birth to 3. Provides consultation, instruction and direct services to parents and caregivers to increase their knowledge and ability to support their child’s development in their natural environment at no cost to parents.

Developmental Screening

(LDAH) School Readiness Project
Honolulu Office:
245 N. Kukui Street, Suite 205
Honolulu, HI 96817
Phone: (808) 536-9684

Ma‘ili Office:
87-790 Kulauku St. Suite A 116
Waianae, HI 96792
Phone: (808) 696-5361

Website: https://ldahawaii.org/school-readiness-project/

Provides developmental, social emotional, autism, hearing and vision screening for children ages two through five years old throughout Oahu and Hilo. In addition, case management and parent training on developmental milestones and the importance of early detection in children to be ready for school, ready to learn, is provided. Call to find out where the next community screening event will be held or to make an appointment for an individual screening.

HI Department of Education – State Level Support Offices

Exceptional Support Branch Helen Kaniho, Director475 22nd Avenue Honolulu, HI 96816 Phone: (808) 305-9806 Fax: (808) 733-4475 Email: helen.kaniho@k12.hi.us

Website: https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/Organization/Offices/StudentSupportServices/ExceptionalSupportBranch/Pages/home.aspx

Provides technical assistance and training to complex areas, districts, schools, cooperating agencies and parents to address the needs of children with disabilities. Develops procedures and standards of practice for the education of students with disabilities, ages 3 to 22. Develops and manages statewide contracts, agreements, and affiliations to ensure students receive services by qualified staff.

Special Education Section
Verna Chinen, Administrator
475 22nd Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96816
Phone: (808) 305-9806
Email: verna.chinen@notes.k12.hi.us
Website: https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/TeachingAndLearning/SpecializedPrograms/SpecialEducation/specialeducation/Pages/default.aspx

Ensures the rights of children/youth with disabilities and their parents are protected through the implementation of federal and state laws. Provides technical assistance and training to schools and complex areas on the implementation of IDEA and Chapter 60.

Special Needs Section
Jamia Green, Administrator
475 22nd Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96816
Phone: (808) 305-9806
Email: Jamia.green@k12.hi.us
Website: https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/Organization/Offices/StudentSupportServices/ExceptionalSupportBranch/Pages/home.aspx

Focuses on programs for low incidence disabilities like autism, deafness, visual disabilities and multiple disabilities. Responsibilities include: providing leadership, training and technical assistance to schools and complexes in planning and implementing programs for these students with disabilities; and providing direct services like assessments for students with hearing and vision disabilities, and students with significant cognitive, social and behavioral needs.

HI Department of Education – District/Complex Level Support Offices

Direct support and supervision to schools is provided through 15 complex area offices that take in Hawaii’s 42 school complexes.  (A complex is made up of one or more high schools and the elementary and middle schools that feed students to the high school.)  Each complex area has a Complex Area Superintendent (CAS) and a District Educational Specialist (DES) for special education/special services.  The DES may cover more than one complex area.  The following is a list of important contacts for special education supports in each district:

Oahu Districts

OAHU: Honolulu District
Farrington-Kaiser-Kalani Complex Area
Kaimuki-McKinley-Roosevelt Complex Area
3440 Leahi Ave., Bldg. D
Honolulu, HI 96815
Special Education
Farrington-Kaiser-Kalani (808) 733-4940
Kaimuki-McKinley-Roosevelt (808) 733-4977
School Based Behavioral Health (808) 735-8355
Autism Program (808) 733-4985

OAHU: Central District
Aiea-Moanalua-Radford Complex Area (South Central)
1 C Ave. Bldg. H
Honolulu, HI 96818
Leilehua-Mililani-Waialua Complex Area (North Central)
1136 California Avenue
Wahiawa, HI 96786
Student Support Services
Aiea-Moanalua-Radford (808) 421-4263
Leilehua-Mililani-Waialua (808) 622-6432
School Based Behavioral Health (808) 622-6439
Autism Program (808) 622-6421

OAHU: Leeward District
Campbell-Kapolei Complex Area
Nanakuli-Waianae Complex Area
Pearl City-Waipahu Complex Area
Leeward Annex
94-521 Farrington Highway
Waipahu, HI 96797
Student Support Services
Campbell-Kapolei (808) 675-0335
Nanakuli-Waianae (808) 668-5746
Pearl City-Waipahu (808) 675-0384
School Based Behavioral Health (808) 675-0444
Autism Program (808) 675-0384

OAHU: Windward District
Castle-Kahuku Complex Area
Kailua-Kalaheo Complex Area
46-169 Kamehameha Highway, Kaneohe, HI 96744
Student Support Services
Castle-Kahuku (808) 784-5940
Kailua-Kalaheo (808) 784-5940
School Based Behavioral Health (808) 784-5930
Autism Program (808) 784-5950

Hawaii Island Districts

HAWAII: East Hawai‘i Regional Special Education Office
Hilo-Waiakea Complex Area
450 Waianuenue Avenue, Building C
Hilo, HI 96720
Special Education (808) 974-4535
School Based Behavioral Health, Rm. 1 (808) 775-8895
Autism (808) 974-4401

HAWAII: South Hawai‘i Regional Special Education Office
Ka‘u-Kea‘au-Pahoa Complex Area
16-590 Kea‘au-Pahoa Road, Hale F
Kea‘au, HI 96749
Special Education and Autism (808) 982-4252
School Based Behavioral Health (808) 775-8895

HAWAII: West Hawai‘i Regional Special Education Office
Kealakehe-Konawaena Complex Area
81-1080 Konawaena School Road
Kealakekua, HI 96750
Special Education and Autism (808) 323-0015
School Based Behavioral Health (808) 775-8895

HAWAII: North Hawai‘i Regional Special Education Office
Kohala-Honoka‘a Complex Area
c/o Honoka‘a High School
45-527 Pakalana Street
Honoka‘a HI 96727
Special Education and Autism (808) 775-8895
School Based Behavioral Health (808) 775-8895

Maui Districts

Maui District Office (808)-727-7800
Baldwin-Kekaulike-Kulanihakoi-Maui Complex Area
P.O. Box 263
Pu‘unene, HI 96784
Special Education and Autism (808) 873-3520 ext. 0
School Based Behavioral Health (808) 873-3520 ext. 0

Hana-Lahainaluna-Lanai-Molokai Complex Area
P.O. Box 470
Kaunakakai, HI 96748
Special Education and Autism (808) 553-1723
School Based Behavioral Health (808) 553-1723

Kauai District

Kauai District Office (808) 274-3502
Kapaa-Kauai-Waimea Complex Area
3060 Eiwa Street, Room 305
Lihue, HI 96766
Special Education/Special Services (808) 274-3173 ext. 246
Mokihana SBBH (808) 274-3505
Autism Program (808) 274-3505

Department of Education Special Schools

Hawaii School for the Deaf & the Blind
3440 Leahi Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96815
Phone: (808) 733-4999 (V/TTY)
Video Phone: (808) 447-1453
Fax: (808) 733-4824
Website: https://www.hsdb.k12.hi.us/splash/

A free public education facility that provides services to Hawaii’s deaf, blind, and deaf-blind students. HSDB provides an ASL bilingual-bicultural program that follows the tenets of a bicultural, bilingual philosophy. Both ASL and English are respected and used in instruction. Provides an academic boarding program for some students as determined by their IEP.

Olomana School
42-522 Kalanianaole Hwy.
Kailua, HI 96734
Phone: (808) 307-1600
Fax: (808) 266-7873
Website: https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ParentsAndStudents/EnrollingInSchool/SchoolFinder/Pages/Olomana-School.aspx

Olomana School provides a free public education in an alternative setting for middle and high school student who are incarcerated or at-risk.

Federally Funded Preschools Serving Students with Disabilities

Oahu Main Office:

HCAP: Honolulu Community Action Program
94-810 Moloalo St. Room 200
Waipahu, HI 96797
Phone: (808) 847-2400
Email: headstart@hcapweb.org
Website: https://www.hcapweb.org/headstart/

Kauai Main Office
CFS: Child & Family Services
2970 Kele Street Suite 203, Lihue, HI 96766
Phone: (808) 245-5914
Website: https://www.childandfamilyservice.org/programs/headstart/

Maui County Main Office:
MEO Family Center, Early Childhood Centers
99 Mahalani Street, Wailuku, HI 96793
Phone: (808) 249-2990
Website: https://www.meoinc.org/programs-services/early-childhood-services/meo-head-start/

Hawaii Main Office:
PACT: Parents and Children Together
27 Waianuenue Ave., Hilo, HI 96720
Phone: (808) 961-0570
Website: https://pacthawaii.org/early-childhood-education/

Provides federally funded comprehensive early education programs for low-income children between the ages of 3-5, including children with disabilities.

Private Preschool Programs Serving Students with Disabilities

Keiki O Ka ‘Aina Family Learning Center
Parent Participation Program
3097 Kalihi Street
Honolulu, HI 96819
Phone: (808) 843-2502
Email: intake@koka.org
Website: https://www.koka.org/parent-participation-programs/

All keiki are welcome. We offer infant/toddler classes for keiki 3 months to 5 years. Parents attend with their keiki and learn to be their child’s first and most important teacher.

Scottish Rite Children’s Language Center
Scottish-Rite Catherdral
1611 Kewalo Street
Honolulu, HI 96822
Phone: (808) 545-7758
Email: srccenter@hawaiiantel.net
National Website : https://scottishrite.org/philanthropy/ritecare/ritecare-srclp/

Provides an intensive speech therapy program for children, ages 3 to 5 years, whose primary disability is a speech and/or language delay.

Sounds of Success Preschool and Learning Center
Harbor Center
98-029 Hekaha Street, Building 5, Suite 44
Aiea, HI 96701
Phone: (808) 488-2211
Fax: (808) 380-8949
Email: info@sospreschool.org
Website: https://www.sospreschool.org/

Provides preschool services for children ages 2 ½ – 5 years and specializes in language therapy services for children with speech-language delays. Their on-site Learning Center offers after school speech-language therapy for children ages 2 to 18.

Private K-12 Schools Serving Students with Disabilities

Assets School
Lower School Campus (K-8):
One Ohana Nui Way
Honolulu, HI 96818

High School Campus (9-12):
913 Alewa Drive
Honolulu, HI 96817
Phone: (808) 423-1356
Fax: (808) 422-1920
Email: info@assets-school.org
Website: https://www.assets-school.org/

A K-12 school that helps children with learning differences, including giftedness and/or dyslexia, achieve their fullest potential in a student-centered, nurturing and accepting atmosphere.  Supports an individualized, integrated learning environment that instills confidence and resilience in each child.

Horizons Academy of Maui
P.O. Box 171
Kihei, HI 96753
Phone: (808) 575-2954
Email: info@horizonsacademy.org
Website: https://www.horizonsacademy.org/

Provides students from preschool to young adulthood (age 21) with quality, individualized experiential education honoring the talents of students with learning diversities, allowing them to excel in school and acquire life skills for their future. They utilize and implement individualized behavior analytic programs developed and overseen by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst.

Variety School
710 Palekaua Street
Honolulu, HI 96816
Phone: (808) 732-2835
Fax: (808) 732-4334
Email: info@varietyschool.org
Website: https://www.varietyschool.org/

Provides education for children, ages 5 to 21, who have a learning disability, attention deficit disorder and/or autism spectrum disorder using a multidisciplinary approach. Also offers an after school and summer enrichment program.

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