An acronym is a shortcut for a string of words that go together. It is usually formed by taking the first letters of the words and capitalizing them. Here are some of the acronyms you are likely to hear in an early intervention or special education meeting.
ABA Applied Behavior Analysis
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act ACT Autism Consulting Teacher ADD/ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder/Attention Deficit Disorder APR Annual Performance Report ASD Autism Spectrum Disorders ASL American Sign Language AT Assistive Technology BCBA Board Certified Behavior Analyst BISS Behavior Intensive Support Services BOE Board of Education BSP Behavioral Support Plan CAMDH Child & Adolescent Mental Health Division (DOH) CAS Complex Area Superintendent CCC/CCCO Community Children’s Council/ Community Children’s Council Office CCSS Common Core State Standards CP Cerebral Palsy CSSS Comprehensive Student Support System DB Deaf/Blindness DD Developmental Delay or Developmental Disabilities DES District Educational Specialist DOE Department of Education DOH Department of Health EA Educational Assistant ED Emotional Disability EI Early Intervention or Educational Interpreter EL/ELL English Learner/English Language Learner EPSDT Early & Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment ESSA Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 ESY Extended School Year FAPE Free Appropriate Public Education FBA Functional Behavioral Assessment FERPA Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 FGC Family Guidance Center (CAMHD) GE Geographic Exception HDRC Hawaii Disability Rights Center HH Hard of Hearing HSA-Alt Hawaii State Alternate Assessment IAES Interim Alternate Educational Setting ID Intellectual Disability IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 IEP Individualized Education Program IFSP Individualized Family Support Plan (Early Intervention Section) IQ Intelligence Quotient ISP Individualized Service Plan (Developmental Disabilities Division) ISS In-School Suspension LD/SLD Learning Disability/Specific Learning Disability LDAH Leadership in Disabilities and Achievement Hawaii LRE Least Restrictive Environment MAPS McGill Action Planning System MD Multiple Disabilities or Muscular Dystrophy MP Modification Plan (Section 504) MS Multiple Sclerosis OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OCR Office for Civil Rights OD Orthopedic Disability ODD Oppositional Defiant Disorder OHD Other Health Disability OS Occupational Skills OSEP Office of Special Education Programs (U.S. DOE) OSSS Office of Student Support Services OT Occupational Therapy PBS Positive Behavioral Supports PCNC Parent Community Networking Center PCS Public Charter Schools PDD Pervasive Developmental Disorder PECS Picture Exchange Communication System PLEP Present Levels of Educational Performance PPT/PTT Para-Professional Tutor/Part-time Temporary Teacher PSN Procedural Safeguards Notice PSPP Private School Participation Project PWN Prior Written Notice QA Quality Assurance RBT Registered Behavioral Technician RT Resource Teacher RTI Response to Intervention SBA Smarter Balanced Assessment SBBH School-Based Behavioral Health SCC School Community Council SoLD/SLD Speech or Language Disability or Specific Learning Disability SSC Student Services Coordinator SSIP State Systemic Improvement Plan TBI Traumatic Brain Injury TS Tourette Syndrome VI Visual Disability/Impairment 504 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1975 618 Annual state data required under IDEA 619 District Coordinators for Preschool Special Education |