Hawaii Department of Health Programs

Child & Adolescent Mental Health Division (CAMHD)
3627 Kilauea Avenue, Room 101
Honolulu, HI 96816
Phone: (808) 733-4215
Fax: (808) 733-9377
Website: https://health.hawaii.gov/camhd/

Family Guidance Centers:
Central (808) 453-5900
Honolulu (808) 733-9393
Leeward (808) 692-7700
Windward (808) 233-3770
Hilo Hawaii (808) 933-0610
Waimea Hawaii (808) 887-8100
Lihue (808) 274-3883
Lahaina (808) 662-4045
Wailuku (808) 243-1252
Lanai: (808) 662-4045
Molokai: (808) 553-7878

The Division provides case management services to children and youth ages 3-20 with complex emotional and behavioral problems. Case management and clinical support is provided by the Family Guidance Centers (FGCs) and clinical treatment for youth with complex emotional and behavioral problems is provided through CAMHD’s contracted service providers. Youth may be referred either as a related service to their IEP, or if eligible for QUEST, through direct application to their local FGC under the Support for Behavioral and Emotional Development (SEBD) program. More information can be found on the website.

Children with Special Health Needs Program
741 Sunset Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96816
Info Line: (808) 586-4400
Oahu: (808) 733-9055
Kauai: (808) 241-3376
Maui: (808) 984-2130
East Hawaii: (808) 974-4288
West Hawaii: (808) 322-4882
Fax: (808)733-9068
Website: https://health.hawaii.gov/cshcn/

Provides care coordination, social work, nutrition, and other services for children aged 0-21 years with chronic or long-term medical conditions (cerebral palsy, complex cardiac conditions, hearing loss, seizure disorders, etc.) and their families. Services include nutrition services, hearing and vision special services, service coordination related to medical specialty care, Neighbor Island clinics and limited financial assistance for specialty care.

Developmental Disabilities Division (DDD)Department of Health Main Office at Kinau Hale 1250 Punchbowl Street, Room 463 Honolulu, HI 96813 Phone: (808) 586-5842 Website: https://health.hawaii.gov/ddd/participants-families/

Eligibility/Intake Office: Oahu: (808) 733-1689 Kauai: (808) 241-3406 Molokai: (808) 553-7898 Maui: (808) 243-4625 Lanai: (808) 243-4625 Hawaii – Hilo: (808) 974-4280 Hawaii – Kona: (808) 327-6212 Hawaii – Waimea: (808) 887-6064

Case Management Branch 3627 Kilauea Avenue, Room 104 Honolulu, HI 96816 Phone: (808) 733-9172 (Admin Office) Fax: (808) 733-9182 Website: https://health.hawaii.gov/ddd/case-managers/

Provides case management, individual service planning, monitoring and coordinating, and assistance in obtaining services for children and adults with intellectual disabilities who reside in the community.

DDD Consumer Complaints Resolution
2201 Waimano Home Road, Hale A
Pearly City, HI 96782
Phone: (808) 453-6669
Fax: (808) 453-6217
Email: doh.dddccru@doh.hawaii.gov

Individuals have the right to file a complaint with the Consumer Complaints Resolution Unit regarding the availability of DDD services, quality of service, delivery of service, DD staff, provider agency or their staff or a DDD adult foster home caregiver.

Statewide Council on Developmental Disabilities (DD Council) 1010 Richards Street, Room 122 Honolulu, HI 96813 Phone: (808) 586-8100 Email: daintry.bartoldus@doh.hawaii.gov Website: https://www.hiddcouncil.org/

A body of Governor appointed self-advocates, family members, consumers, and public and private agency representatives that plans, coordinates, evaluates, monitors, and advocates on behalf of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Activities include educating and informing the public and policy makers about developmental disabilities, policy development and implementation, and fostering interagency collaboration and coordination.

Public Health Nursing Branch
1700 Lanakila Avenue, Room 201
Honolulu, HI 96817
Main Phone: (808) 832-3773

East Honolulu: (808) 733-9220
West Honolulu: (808) 832-5757
Central Honolulu: (808) 453-6190
Leeward Oahu: (808) 675-0080
Waianae Oahu: (808) 697-7839
Windward Oahu: (808) 233-5450
Kauai: (808) 241-3387
East Hawaii: (808) 974-6025
West Hawaii: (808) 322-1500
Wailuku Maui: (808) 984-8260
Molokai: (808) 553-7880
Lanai: (808) 565-7114
Website: https://health.hawaii.gov/phnb/

Provides family-centered, community-based nursing services to individuals, families, or groups in a community. These may include case management, client advocacy, health education, health screening, monitoring, follow-up and consultation. Public Health Nurses also coordinate annual flu shots at schools.

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