The Special Education Advisory Council meets once a month during the school year. We meet at Pu‘uhale Elementary School Library Meeting Room 345 Pu‘uhale Road Honolulu, HI 96819 For more information on SEAC and its activities, visit our website:
The Special Education Advisory Council meets once a month during the school year. We meet at Pu‘uhale Elementary School Library Meeting Room 345 Pu‘uhale Road Honolulu, HI 96819 For more information on SEAC and its activities, visit our website:
A body of stakeholders established under IDEA to advise the Department of Health regarding policies and the provision of services to infants and toddlers with disabilities or who are at risk of disabilities and their families. Meetings are held quarterly. Call for more information. Early Intervention Section (DOH) 1010 Richards …
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