SPIN Infographics for Families

Infographics help share an idea or topic in a meaningful way. SPIN has developed these infographics to help families navigate school and home needs, and provide information we hope is helpful to you.

Finding support to help your keiki is the first step to advocacy! Download a PDF here.
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New DOE guidelines from October 2021 provide information for IEP teams to discuss if ESY is right for your child. Emerging critical skills like communication, toileting, behaviors and academics all play a part in determining ESY eligibility.
The ESY guidelines also have different scenarios to help the team understand different situations where ESY can be found to be appropriate for students with disabilities. Download the ESY Guidelines here. Download a PDF of the Infographic here.
When we talk about transition and school, we are usually talking about preparing a child for when they leave the DOE into adult life. It’s never too early to start planning for transition!
There are more parts of transition than only thinking about college & career training. We also have to consider changes in doctors, insurance and getting a state ID. Download PDF here
Early Intervention Transition: Moving from the Department of Health Early Intervention (EI) program to preschool can be daunting. We worked with (EI) and DOE to provide this simple guide to understand the move from one program to the other. Download PDF Here
Virtual IEP Tips: IEP meetings are still being held virtually, and may continue to do so for months or years to come. These tips can help you prepare for your meeting so you can be an informed participant in your child’s education. Download PDF Here
When our cup is full, then we have more to give. When we are drained, we don’t have anything to give – to our family, our jobs or ourselves. Take some time to take care of yourself. Download a PDF here.
We all need good sleep and teens need more than the rest of us. Here are some tips to help everyone in your home get some good Zzzz. Download the PDF here.
Teaching our children empathy leads to more empathy in adults too. It’s a win-win! Here are some ways to improve kindness and empathy for everyone. Download the PDF here.
Laughter is a great stress reducer. Who doesn’t feel better after a belly laugh or long chuckle? Humor can connect us, even when we are disconnected. Download the PDF here.
Visual Supports for Autism: This infographic was adapted from the 2020 SPIN Conference workshop “See Through My Eyes”. Visual supports like these help make life more predictable for children with any disability, including autism. Download PDF here
PBS for Problem Behavior: This infographic was adapted from the 2020 SPIN Conference workshop “Positive Behavior Supports”. These evidence-based strategies can provide ideas and tools for families to use at home and in different situations. Download PDF here
Marathon Skills pg 1: Ann & Rud Turnball visited Hawaii several years ago and imparted wisdom to families on raising children with disabilities. They reminded us that it is a marathon, and not a sprint and provided tools to build resiliencey. Download PDF here
Addressing Learning Loss: After the school closures of 2020 and classroom closures in 2021, there has been alot of discussion about learning loss. This infographic will help you understand what it is and what do do if you suspect your child has had learning loss. Download PDF here
Marathon Skills pg 2: Raising a child with a disability does not come with a manual, but we can learn from one another and our experiences. These tried and true tips can help families be successful over the long run. Download PDF here
Learning Loss Strategies: If you think your child has had learning loss due to school or classroom closures, here are some tips to help your child re-learn or gain new knowledge both at home and in school. Download PDF here
Growth Mindset: Schools in Hawaii teach children about growth mindset, but do parents know what that is and how to help their children at home? This helpful infographic shares tips for parents. Download PDF here
Emotional Well-Being: This infographic was adapted from the 2020 SPIN Conference workshop on Emotional Well Being. Use these helpful tips to talk to your child and be a positive role model. Download PDF here
Getting to Know AT: This infographic was adapted from the 2020 SPIN Conference workshop on Assisted Technology and is designed to provide you with a basic understanding of the different kinds of AT your child can use at school or home. Download PDF here
Homework Tips: From setting aside time each day to communicating what needs to be done and when, we hope these tips and tricks will help families and students be ready to tackle any homework assignment. Download PDF here
Apps for Accessibility: Technology is a part of our lives everyday. For people with disabilities, there are a whole bunch of tools available on your phone to assist you in your daily routines. Download PDF here
Benefits of Inclusion: SPIN supports appropriate educational and community inclusion. We’ve seen first-hand how, when done right, it can be a very successful model for the student. Here’s why.
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Financial Literacy pg 1: Waiting to teach financial literacy when your child is in high school is starting a bit late. These tips and strategies can help you set a foundation of saving and spending that will benefit your child. Download PDF here
Back to School In-Person: For school year, 2021-2022, Hawaii DOE schools went back to in-person instruction. Here are a few tips to help keep your keiki and ohana safe while they transition back to school. Download PDF here
Financial Literacy pg 2: Now that you have some tips down for financial literacy by age, this page will help you in considering an allowance for your child and how to dole it out. Download PDF here
Mid-Semester Check In: You don’t have to wait for report cards or progress reports to check in with your child’s teacher. Here are some helpful ways to stay on top of your child’s learning. Download PDF here
Planning for Transitions: This page can help you understand about different kinds of transitions we have in our lives and how to help our children cope with changes in our lives. Download PDF here
Transfer of Rights pg 1: When your child turns 18 and will still be receiving special education from the DOE, they will reach whats called “Age of Majority”. Learn what steps you might need to take when this happens. Download PDF here
Tips for Timely Transitions: No matter how old your child is, transitioning from one activity to another can be challenging. These tips can be added to your toolbox. Download PDF here
Transfer of Rights pg 2: There are 3 options for families and the student when the child turns 18 and depending on the needs of your child, you can choose one of these. Download PDF here
ABLE Act: Now available in Hawaii, learn about ABLE accounts and how they may benefit your child. There are a few restrictions, but overall, ABLE is a game-changer! It’s never too early to start saving for their future. Download PDF here
A Model for CAM: This infographic was created to highlight the dynamic workshop at the 2020 SPIN Conference “Alternatives in Medicine”. Grow your knowledge and talk to your healthcare team if you feel CAM may be right for your child. Download PDF here
Kal’s Law: Named after Hawaii resident Kal Silvert, this law will help individuals with a disability to earn a living wage without it affecting many of their government benefits. Download PDF here
Transition to Inclusion: Thinking about an inclusive educational experience for your child? Here is an infographic to get you started. This action planning system can be used for decision making of any kind. Download PDF here
What does SPIN do? We actually hear this alot and created this infographic to highlight some of the things SPIN does to support families.
Busting Inclusion Myths: We’ve all heard reasons why inclusion doesn’t work, but we’ve busted those myths in an epic infographic! Download PDF here
Financial Literacy – Part 3 Encouraging your child to take or create a summer job helps to reinforce the financial literacy skills of earning, budgeting and saving. Download the PDF here.
Work Readiness Skills Preparing your child for employment starts early. Time management, building relationships and being flexible are skill we can all use. Download the PDF here
Teaching kids to self-regulate and giving them different tools to use will help them throughout their lives. Mindfulness is more than breathing, it’s whatever you use to shut out the clatter and noise of life so you can float in the moment and re-center. To download a PDF, click here.

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